A new dataset entitled “Communicational Aspects of the Social Dissent over the Evaluation of the Polish Systemic Transition and Democracy: A Preliminary Study on the Discursive Awareness of the Symbolic Elites” has been published in the QDA. The author of the dataset is Dr. Magdalena Nowicka-Franczak. The dataset contains 21 transcriptions of interviews with journalists, columnists, and public intellectuals, who work or cooperate with nationwide opinion-making media. The study, conducted in 2021, aimed at analyzing a discursive awareness of media symbolic elites, that is, their beliefs on how public discourse influences social reality, competence to distinguish discourse constructs from empirical reality, and readiness to critically assess their discourse. The study was conducted under (Polish) National Science Center grant 2020/04/X/HS6/00110.
New dataset! Between Art and Research: Evaluation of Creative Arts in Performance-Based Research Funding Systems
A new dataset entitled “Between Art and Research: Evaluation of Creative Arts in Performance-Based Research Funding Systems” has been published in the QDA. The author of the dataset is Dr. Karolina Lewandowska. The dataset contains 40 anonymized transcriptions of interviews with employees of Polish public art universities and art departments operating at universities with a general academic profile. The aim of the study was to identify the impact of the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity on employees of art universities and faculties in Poland. The study was conducted under National Science Center grant 2019/35/D/HS5/00009.
Political scientists and QDA
On September 21-23, 2022, the 5th Polish Political Science Congress “Politics of (Dis)order” took place in Wrocław. During a workshop held as part of the Congress, Dr. Joanna Gajda encouraged political scientists to deposit data in the Qualitative Data Archive. We thank Dr. Gajda for promoting the Archive and invite researchers in the field of political science to contact us!
New dataset: “Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe – Research in Polish Schools”
A new dataset entitled “Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe – Research in Polish Schools” has been published in the QDA.
The dataset contains qualitative data from the fieldwork with children, collected in the years 2019–2021 as part of the MiCREATE project (Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe). These are recordings and transcripts of interviews and focus groups with children, migration experts, and education professionals, including teachers.
MiCREATE, Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe, is a European project funded under Horizon 2020. The overall aim of the project is to stimulate the inclusion of different groups of migrant children in schools and host communities by adopting a child-centered approach to the integration of migrant children at the level of education and social policy. More information about the project can be found at http://micreate.eu.
Presentation of QDA at the Institute of Art History
On 13 April 2022, we had the opportunity and pleasure to present our Archive during the course ‘Oral history and biographical research in the historian’s workshop,’ conducted at the Art History Institute (Faculty of Cultural and Art Sciences, University of Warsaw) by Prof. Jerzy Kochanowski and Dr. Jakub Gałęziowski. Thank you for the invitation!
Discussion at the Center for Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin
On March 16, 2022, at the Center for Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin a discussion took place about the book In den Stürmen der Transformation. Zwei Werften zwischen Sozialismus und EU (Suhrkamp Verlag 2022). Piotr Filipkowski, an organizer of the event and co-author of the book, presented a methodological paper in which he recalled Andrzej Siciński’s research on lifestyles from the late 1970s. Among the families interviewed at that time were shipyard workers from Gdańsk. Materials from that study are available in the Qualitative Data Archive of IFiS PAN (collection “Lifestyles in Polish Cities”).
New dataset: “Doyens of Polish Sociology of Work”
A new dataset entitled “Doyens of Polish Sociology of Work” has been published in the QDA. The author of the collection is Dr. Olga Czeranowska from the SWPS University. The dataset is a result of the “Doyens of Polish Sociology of Work on the Processes of Institutionalization, Crisis, and the Prospects for Development of the Sub-discipline” project, carried out by the Sociology of Work Section of the Polish Sociological Association. The project was based on research conducted through in-depth interviews (with elements of biographical narration) with persons who have contributed to the institutionalization of sociology of work and the development of labor studies in Poland. The study included both the activities of sociologists-practitioners, who were present in factories during the communist era, and sociologists-academics, who focused on research and teaching. The dataset contains 19 interviews, conducted between 2016 and 2018.
Research Data Management Policy at IFiS PAN
The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences has introduced a research data management policy.
Article on the role of inter-institutional cooperation in the process of opening research data
The journal “Forum Akademickie” has just made available in open access an article by Dr. Natalia Gruenpeter entitled “Cooperation fosters data opening”. The author refers to the experience of the “Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories” project, in which the University of Warsaw cooperated with the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. The article also cites statements by QDA staff.
QDA resources – application in teaching
We were pleased to learn that Dr. Tomasz Kołodziej from the Institute of Sociology at the University of Zielona Góra decided to use the materials from our Archive during his classes entitled “Qualitative research methods”. We encourage other academic teachers to use the resources of the Archive in a similar way!