The journal “Forum Akademickie” has just made available in open access an article by Dr. Natalia Gruenpeter entitled “Cooperation fosters data opening”. The author refers to the experience of the “Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories” project, in which the University of Warsaw cooperated with the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. The article also cites statements by QDA staff.
QDA resources – application in teaching
We were pleased to learn that Dr. Tomasz Kołodziej from the Institute of Sociology at the University of Zielona Góra decided to use the materials from our Archive during his classes entitled “Qualitative research methods”. We encourage other academic teachers to use the resources of the Archive in a similar way!
Seminars at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Dr. Piotr Filipkowski, head of ODA, conducts a series of three 4-hour seminars at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw on the application of oral history and biographical sociology methods in the research field of art history. Seminar topics also include existing social data archives, in particular the Qualitative Data Archive of IFiS PAN. The meetings are held as part of the Oral Histories of Modernity project, carried out jointly by the Museum of Modern Art and the Academy of Fine Arts. The topics of the seminars prepared by Dr. Filipkowski are:
– Oral history – between research practice and theory (of history),
– Biographical-narrative interview as a historical source and sociological data,
– Oral history and art history – from subject to object (and back).
Article about the QDA in the Bulletin EBIB
In the 200th issue of the Bulletin EBIB, a journal addressed primarily to Polish librarians and specialists in scientific information, an article entitled ‘Qualitative Data Archive at IFiS PAN in a New Version’ appeared (authors: Maciej Melon and Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek).
Presentation on the QDA for participants of the Data Steward School
On October 19, 2021, Maciej Melon presented the Qualitative Data Archive to the participants of the second edition of the Data Steward School, organized by Visnea sp. z o. o.
In the first part of the meeting, Maciej Melon presented the history of the Archive and outlined its current tasks related to the preservation of the cultural heritage of social sciences, data reinterpretation and research revisits. He also pointed to the transparency of methods and tools used by researchers, which the Archive promotes.
The second part of the meeting was more of a workshop character. After the presentation of the Archive’s tasks related to the daily work of archiving and making research data available – including the problems and doubts that arise – there were also questions from the participants, mainly concerning technical issues.
We are grateful for the invitation and the opportunity to share our experiences!
New dataset: “Towards a Model of Polish Paradiplomacy”
A new dataset entitled “Towards a Model of Polish Paradiplomacy” has been published in the QDA. The author of the collection is Dr. Igor Ksenicz from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. The dataset contains transcripts of interviews with representatives of circles responsible for creating Polish paradiplomacy: local government officials, government administration employees, and experts.
Webinar on the Social Data Repository – September 28, 2021
We are pleased to invite you to a webinar entitled Research Data in the Social Sciences. Presentation of the Social Data Repository. The webinar is jointly organized by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies at the University of Warsaw, and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw.
The webinar will take place on September 28, 2021 on the ClickMeeting platform.
During the webinar, we will:
– introduce you to contemporary approaches to data produced by academic research,
– discuss the issue of archiving and sharing such data,
– present the Social Data Repository,
– discuss social researchers’ dilemmas related to making research data available,
– consider legal issues related to making research data available in data repositories, in particular in the Social Data Repository.
The webinar is part of the “Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories” project. The project is run by two units of the University of Warsaw (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling and Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies) in partnership with the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The Digital Poland Project Centre (Centrum Projektów Polska Cyfrowa) granted a subsidy of PLN 4 998 889 for the implementation of the project. This amount includes funds from European funds in the amount of PLN 4 230 559,76 and from the state budget in the amount of PLN 768 329,24.
New dataset: “Research by Stanisław Ossowski’s team on Jakub Szela in the Jasło area”
A new dataset entitled “Research by Stanisław Ossowski’s team on Jakub Szela in the Jasło area” has been published in the QDA. The dataset consists of materials from research conducted in 1950 by Stanisław Ossowski’s team in the vicinity of Jasło in the Podkarpacie region, on the territory of former Galicia, where Jakub Szela, the leader of the Peasant Revolt of 1846, was born. The study dealt with the memory of the Peasant Revolt, as well as issues related to the past of the localities under study, their social structure, political life, experiences from the times before World War II, during the war, and the first post-war years.
The team did not manage to publish the results of their research because shortly after the materials were collected, the communist authorities removed sociology from the University of Warsaw (and from academic institutions) and banned Ossowski from teaching.
The materials included in the dataset have been preserved in the archives of the former Section of Sociology, which was once headed by Ossowski (currently, it is the Section of Methodology and Sociological Theory at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw). They have been digitized thanks to Professor Antoni Sułek, who stored them and enabled their archiving in the Qualitative Data Archive.
Qualitative Data Archive at the 9th Transdisciplinary Symposium of Qualitative Research
During the 9th Transdisciplinary Symposium of Qualitative Research (June 8-9, 2021), members of the QDA team presented two papers:
- Spotkania po latach: powroty do danych i uczestników badań jakościowych. Kilka metodologicznych wyzwań i prób sprostania im [Meetings after Years: Revisiting Data and Participants in Qualitative Research. Several Methodological Challenges and Attempts to Address them] – Magdalena Bielińska, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek
Abstract in Polish - Udostępnianie danych z badań jakościowych – możliwości, szanse i wyzwania [Sharing Qualitative Research Data – Opportunities, Chances, and Challenges] – Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek, Magdalena Bielińska, Piotr Filipkowski
Abstract in Polish
Webinar: Research Data in the Social Sciences. Presentation of the Social Data Repository
On May 31, 2021, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies (University of Warsaw), and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (University of Warsaw) organized an online webinar ‘Research Data in the Social Sciences. Presentation of the Social Data Repository.’
The full program of the event (in Polish) can be found here.
The webinar was part of the project ‘Disciplinary Repositories of Open Research Data,’ carried out by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling UW in partnership with the Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies (University of Warsaw), the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The project is funded by a grant from the Operational Program Digital Poland (POPC), Axis II E-government and open government, Sub-activity 2.3.1 Digital access to public sector information from administrative sources and resources of science. Total amount of the grant is PLN 4,998,889.