The QDA has published a new dataset entitled ‘Paltry Pensions’ in the Context of the Sense of Social Justice and the Goals of Pension Policy. It contains qualitative data from a project focused on retirees receiving pensions lower than the minimum pension from the Polish Social Security Institution (ZUS) — so-called ‘paltry’ or ‘penny’ pensions. The project is currently being carried out at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and is funded by the National Science Center in Poland. The dataset includes transcriptions of individual interviews with pensioners and experts, as well as parliamentary documents and articles from selected news portals concerning pensions lower than the minimum pension. The authors of the dataset are Dr. Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek, Piotr Drygas, Ewa Potępa, Dr. Klaudia Wolniewicz-Słomka, and Dr. Marta Kołczyńska.